Our grandmother had a summer cottage at Como - just east of Hudson, Quebec. To the east was an abandoned sawmill. To the west was the property of the Lanes'. And to the north was the Ottawa River. These colour slides were taken over the period of a few days in July 1966.
Our 'joint birthday' is celebrated on the screened-in veranda.
Part of the sawmill can be seen behind.
The birthday parties (above) will actuate the party cracker and retrieve the party hat within.
An afternoon diversion was often a trip to Hudson to see the CPR train known as The Canadian.
This westbound came through around 1515-1530hr on its way to Vancouver.
Today's visit is later in the afternoon.
At the crossing east of the station's crossing was the Legion with its anti-aircraft gun.
An armistice has been declared.
I think the Hudson rock may have been at the station.
There is no sign of either it or the Legion in 2019.
In spite of the silver paint, it became quite hot.
Rowboat ride on the Ottawa.
Looking west at the Lanes' property and up the Ottawa River from the kitchen window.
Edwin Riddell (my grandmother's brother) dropped by.
The identities of the two women are not recorded in the slide index.